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It’s here it’s here! My favorite holiday of the year. I know I preach eating healthy all year round, but there is something simply magical about Thanksgiving. Not to mention, it is my favorite meal and holiday of the year…did I mention that?! The holidays can also be a trap that we must pull ourselves out of all winter, but I am not here to tell you not to eat all the yummy treats, or torture yourself trying, I am here to help you survive the holiday season with lots of love, great memories and a few indulgences here and there.
Today, I am going to my favorite workout class then will come home to bake pies with my Mother-In-Law. Sounds a little old school housewife huh? Well, cooking for others is one of my absolute favorite things to do, and eating my leftover Thanksgiving sandwiches for the days following turkey day is absolutely a close second. So enjoy the food, the wine and the memories, because they come and go in a flash, but here are a few tips for surviving the season without any regret this spring.
Stick to your routine: As I have stated one hundred times before find a routine that works for you. Get up and drink water, preferably hot water with lemon, eat a healthy breakfast, and stay hydrated before, during and after every meal. For every glass of wine or other cocktail, drink a glass of water. Follow a meal with another glass of hot water with lemon or tea and more water!
Go For a Stroll: Most of us eat our turkey early enough in the day that there is plenty of time to take a sunset stroll as family. Here is Florida it has been relatively cool, but if you live in cooler temps, pop on the parka and go for a walk or play a round of football. When we were younger, football was the way to work up a sweat at our local middle school. Most of my brothers friends and a couple of mine would meet up and play flag football for a couple of hours ala Friends. It was an awesome way to get a sweat on before a calorie filled meal.
Cook or Bake Healthier Options: I know we all love our high calorie sides, but try to swap a couple for lower calorie, healthy options. Think fresh green beans with caramelized shallot in place of green bean casserole.
Do Not Show Up Hungry: I know many people are busy around the holidays, but try not to skip the most important meal of the day and save all of your calories for the evening. This may force you to binge eat at night and have you end up feeling like a stuffed turkey. If you eat breakfast and even a light lunch, this will help stop you from overindulging at night.
Only Eat it if You Love It & Control Those Portions: Many times the holidays are stomping grounds for empty eating. Only put something in your mouth that you enjoy. Try to add a fresh vegetable to that plate, and have other sides in smaller portions. One more small tip…eat slowly or leisurely pace yourself! Enjoy your time at the dinner, make it a marathon not a sprint.
Limit the Cooking Taste Test: I am such a victim of this. Every cook needs to check their product along the way, but try not to drink the gravy or eat a whole serving of stuffing before you even sit down at the table. You are likely going to fill your entire plate regardless. I know I do!
Don’t Beat Yourself Up: We all overdo it form time to time, especially on holidays, but DO NOT feel guilty about it. Get back on track on Friday and keep it moving.
Play Games and Enjoy Quality Time With Family and Friends: Playing games and socializing takes your mind off of eating. So goof around, play board games and continue to be as social as possible.
Don’t Get Too Tipsy: Drinking too much alcohol makes you want to eat more food…naturally. Limit the alcohol flow and I am sure your belly will stay satisfied longer. Also, the caloric intake will nearly double if you empty those bottles all day.
Schedule Your Next Workout: So I know…this sounds like zero fun, but scheduling workouts can help you keep your fitness goals. Whether you go for a walk, or a class on Friday morning, make your next workout a priority and get it on your calendar!
Most importantly ENJOY! I hope these tips help you fight the battle of the bulge this holiday season!Happy Thanksgiving to all of my wonderful readers. I am so thankful for the opportunity to write for you and connect on a regular basis.