Photo by Judy Walker Photography
We have all heard that the flu virus peaks in February, but guess what? There is talk that the flu will pick up again late winter into spring. So you must keep your guard up! I am still taking daily elderberry syrup and kicking back homemade ginger shots to keep my immune system going strong for me and baby. You can continue to use my tips to help prevent the flu virus, but also beware of contact with other people. Did you know that you can actually contract the flu by being near an infected person who is simply breathing? This is news to me and guess what? It has been scientifically proven. So I urge you to take precaution in small spaces like doctors offices, airplanes and elevators, especially since the flu vacine is said to prevent only 30-40% of cases this year. If you are sick, simply stay home! There is no need to infect an entire office.
According to this article from Baptist Health South Florida The study, which was funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health, provides new evidence that coughs and sneezes may not be necessary to fill the air with droplets of the flu virus. The flu potentially expanded airborne quality means the virus can spread more easily than previously thought. Donald Milton, M.D., professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland School of Public Health and the study’s lead researcher and his team examined samples of 142 specimens of exhaled breath of patients with influenza. The team then assessed the infectivity, or the ability of a pathogen to establish an infection, from the captured influenza aerosols. The analysis showed that a significant number of patients shed infectious particles that can be transmitted through the air — without coughing or sneezing.

Photo by Judy Walker Photography
According to this article, the flu virus ca be spread to people up to six feet away. Maybe not by breathing, but definitely by coughing and sneezing. Sergio Segarra, M.D., chief medical officer at Baptist Hospital of Miami and an emergency physician says: ” “If I was travelling on an airplane, I would wear a mask, and I’ve had the vaccine. I would wear it and bring hand sanitizers with me. It’s just too much out there and the vaccines could be only 30 to 40 percent effective.” If you do not have a mask, I suggest getting a light scarf and after placing a bit of Neosporin in in your nostrils and wrap the scarf around the lower portion of your face.
The study’s authors say their findings could be used to “improve mathematical models of the risk of airborne influenza transmission from people with symptomatic illness and to develop more effective public health interventions.” After the flu season we have had this year, I am truly excited to see what is done with this evidence. Yes folks, we are almost ‘out of the woods’ in terms of flu season, but we are not there yet. Baptist Health South Florida and I want you to remain conscious and healthy! Continue to wash your hands with antibacterial soap, keep your hands away from your mouth and nose and stay healthy my friends!
Representatives from Baptist Health South Florida always say their primary goal is to “keep people out of beds”. They have tons of great information and resources on their website and throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties, and I try to highlight the stories and cover events I think you will love! So as we move into Spring, let me know if there is anything you would like to see from my friends at Baptist Health South Florida.