“A baby fills a place in your heart you never knew was empty.”

Photo by Judy Walker Photography

Photo by Judy Walker Photography

Photo by Judy Walker Photography
Yes, you read it right. Baby BOY Sinning is on the way! For those of you who do not know, Walker is my maiden name and Sinning is my married name. Cory and I went to China for two weeks in November and came back with a little bun in the oven. We have been together for a little over nine years and married for four and I think many people were nervous to ask about why we didn’t have babies yet. Honestly, we have been putting off trying for kids for a while due to work and our love for travel. My little brother got engaged so our timeline went a little something like this: “After Austin’s wedding in May”. Then I booked the trip to Italy with mom and it became “after Italy”. I was up for a pretty big fitness job and decided to put it off a bit further. With Cory working on his MBA and me traveling like crazy, the timing never seemed to add up and days turned into months and months literally turned into years and we were just enjoying life together as BFF’s.
I met my first biological niece in October and fell head over heels in unconditional love. I jokingly-seriously texted Cory that week that “I would be ovulating in China”. Not really thinking anything about it until we found ourselves actually trying to have a baby. Like an actual. human. baby. in China. As a fitness professional and former dancer I feel like my mind-body connection is extremely strong and within days I started noticing changes that were just “different”. I had a feeling all signs were leaning to YES, but I would not be able to take a test for another two weeks. Like I said, I “just knew” and had an extremely strong intuition that our lives were about to change for the better. Sure enough we got an early positive result the day before Thanksgiving and it was the perfect kickstart to the holiday season. We truly have so much to be thankful for and believe me, it is not lost on us how quickly we were able to conceive. I am so beyond thankful and continue to pray for my dear friends struggling to create their little miracle.
The timing was perfect and this little announcement made the holidays that much more magical! Cory literally spilled the beans at the end of our Thanksgiving prayer. I think my in-laws were in shock and so caught off guard! They were all giving us heck about getting on the baby train all day and of course we fed right into it. We decided to hold the news in from my side of the family for EIGHT WEEKS until we saw them at Christmas! I was dodging phone calls from my mom and brothers left and right. We wanted to see them in person and it was well worth the wait to see their reactions and get it all on video. I honestly had to tell some people because I was bursting with this news. I shared it with a few friends and then any random person I could. Literally, I shared the news with my mail man and my waxer!

A month Ago During “Week 9”
A few weeks ago I had a dream that I saw a “boy part” on the sonogram and ever since then had this strong connection to boy. I lovingly call this trimester “Pizza and Pimples” and will get more into the 5 W’s of that in another post, but for now I am embracing my new found energy the second trimester has brought back to me and I am taking the good with the bad. A whole lot is happening up inside of me. Thankfully, I could not have asked for a better “baby daddy” who peeled a clementine for me every morning before I got out of bed for the past three months and made me feel beautiful with a face covered in pimples. We are wholeheartedly ready for this next chapter in our lives and could not be more grateful for this tiny life inside of me.
Over the next month I should have a Pre/Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification and look forward to creating more content on navigating this crazy, exciting journey to mommy and daddy! To everyone who already knows, thank you for your love and support. It means the world to us!
Comments 6
OMG! JULY!!!!! Congrats and that’s just around the corner!
Haha tell me about it! I’m a little nervous about getting everything done. I feel like the weeks are flying.
Congratulations to the most deserving and beautiful parents to be
love you. Xoxo
Love you more! Thank you sugar.
Congrats to you and my cousin Cory!!! He’ll be a great father!!!
Thank you! He sure will be! We cannot wait!