Quinoa, Kale now Bulletproof Coffee?! There are so many fitness trends swimming around the world wide web these days. At first glance it really can get overwhelming, kind of like Miley and Co at the VMA’s this year. I don’t know if I am just getting older, but I couldn’t even make it through the whole show. Between seeing every artist half naked and all of the comments about drugs and sex. It was all too much for Cory and I to handle; however, when it comes to trying new fitness trends, now that is something I can handle! I wanted to take some time to introduce Bulletproof Coffee to you.
It all started in a very commonplace way, I was trolling Instagram, and happened to stumble upon a fellow models page. This girl has one of the most incredible bodies I have ever seen, and what I noticed in her bio was that she is a BULLETPROOF Ambassador. I needed to know what that was, so off to Google I went. It was then that I felt the need to become “bulletproof” myself, and right there David Guetta began to play…”I’m bulletproof nothing to lose, fire away, fire away…” Ok, I am lying, but I immediately placed my order on bulletproof.com, and anxiously awaited my action packed package. I must also let you know that this is in no way, shape or form a paid review. I just love to share awesome new finds with my readers!
Let’s get down to the meat and potatoes of what Bulletproof Coffee really is…
Who: I ordered my package of Bulletproof Upgraded Coffee 12oz , Bulletproof Upgraded MCT Oil
and Bulletproof Upgraded Collagen Protein
from bulletproof.com.
What: Bulletproof Coffee is a blended drink that is traditional in the high altitude climate of Tibet. It is made up of upgraded coffee, free of toxins and mold spores, blended with grass-fed unsalted butter and Brain Octane Oil.
Why: If you are looking for a product that can help you sustain energy, increase cognitive function and keep you fuller longer without the crash that traditional coffee brings, then I recommend that Bulletproof Coffee is something you try. Read about the science behind the product here.
When: Well right now of course! I will tell you why very soon.
Where: Bulletproof.com…I use Amanda Allens Kit and Grind the beans and blend my drink in the Nutribullet. Naturally…
I wanted to give Bulletproof ten days to allow it to either work its magic or become a big flop. Here is how it worked out:
Day 1-While working with oil and butter, beware, everything gets slippery. I offered to make Cory his own cup, but I didn’t tighten the top well enough on the Nutribullet, and it ended up spewing greasy coffee everywhere. Thankfully enough, Cory wasn’t having it, and it turned into Bulletproof for one. At first cup, I didn’t feel any energy change, but my belly was happy, and was thoroughly happy with my first low-carb hight fat day.
Day 2- I was not sure if it was all in my mind, but on day two I finally made the drink correctly, and felt a supercharged energy. I did have a little bit of nausea, and after that subsided, I was still overwhelmingly hungry.
Day 3- The energy continued all morning. I taught class, ran errands, and still was not hungry. By 2 o’ clock I had to force myself to eat eggs. I woke up around 7 AM, and it definitely began to give me the sustained energy I heard it would. I felt satisfied for hours. Usually with my smoothies, I would be a ravenous beast my noon. I couldn’t believe how soon I felt a real difference. I do believe the coffee in conjunction with some tweaking in my diet is already making a large impact.
Day 4- Super tired despite the 7 AM wake-up. The travel all over the country may have been getting to me, but after an hour of online shopping with my buttery latte, once again I was not hungry until the afternoon. This is something they say you must pay attention to because you do not want to starve your body of food. I upped the Brain Octane Oil to a tablespoon by this day, and although I did have mild stomach irritation, I drank some water and felt much better.
Day 5- By day 5 I definitely feel an increase in concentration and energy despite waking up early every day this week. I used to struggle with memorizing things like confirmation codes, and have found that even writing blog posts are taking a bit less time. Although I missed a day here and there, I can honestly say I am already in love and have kicked my morning smoothie to the side for now. I even got my cousin MommyPosh hooked on the stuff while she was in town. It is the perfect pick-me-up as a mommy of two boys under five.
Day 6-Bulletproof Coffee is definitely an acquired taste. I now look forward to the frothy morning drink, the energy has remained the same, but since I wasn’t running around town my hunger spiked a little earlier than normal. No nausea or stomach irritation.
Day 7-OK OK…I am completely hooked! I woke up today kind of groggy and decided today was the day to up the oil in my coffee. Unfortunately, it really irritated my stomach, and I had to try a piece of toast to calm it. The piece of toast ultimately made me crash, and I found that adding a little more butter to balance the oil makes the drink creamier and seems to coat my stomach.
Day 8-10 This is usually the time where I ditch it or continue to move forward. Bulletproof is now my go-to morning drink! Day 8 went a little something like this…Bulletproof check! Soul Cycle check! I had enough power and energy to get through such a grueling workout, and the next two days after that were just as awesome. My workout intensity seemed to improve, and my ADD in class seemed to diminish. I wasn’t thinking about what I had to do later, how much I liked the girls outfit next to me or how many minutes we had left. I found myself fully invested. My bloated belly has gone down substantially, and for me, eating a diet high in fat and low in carbs is definitely something I am going to continue.
I know this was a super long winded post, but I felt the need to share my awesome experience with all of you. As stated in previous posts, my morning routine is very important to me, and sets me up for the day. It went from warm water with lemon to detox smoothies and now onto Bulletproof Coffee. The ancient Tibetan drink is here to stay, and although I do not live on a mountaintop in freezing cold weather, I am completely obsessed with all the benefits BP coffee has to offer this girl on-the-go. So I would suggest that you Start Your Day with the Bulletproof Coffee Kit!