Photo by Judy Walker Photography
Happy Friday! I know the blog and social has been extremely light lately because I got hit with a pretty bad sinus infection/migraine when I got to New York on Wednesday. Honestly, I have not been sick since this exact week, three years ago, the week before my wedding. Getting sick was a firm reminder of how fortunate I am to be a healthy and able bodied human 99% of them time. So, since it is National Health Education Week, I thought this would be the perfect time to share my first Friday With Eleven! Read on for more on what Venus has to share, and check out our featured items of the week.
Hello from Hong Kong! It’s hard to believe we are approaching mid-October and for you that might mean cooler weather, but for me it means National Health Education Week.
National Health Education Week is always celebrated during the third full week of October and helps bring national attention to public health issues and promotes consumers’ understanding of the role of health education. For me, this is extremely important.
As many of you know, 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disorder that causes fatigue and joint pain. More than 4 million people in the U.S. have the disease, according to the Sjogren’s Syndrome Foundation and 9 out of 10 are women. Symptoms begin when the body’s immune cells attack its own tear and saliva glands, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. While this can be a nuisance, I have learned to adjust my routine and figure out what works best for me.
I really try to only put the best things possible into my body but at the same time, I do like to indulge every now and then.
And that’s what EleVen by Venus is all about. We value health and wellness and I encourage all of you to balance health with fun. Each day you can ‘Look Good, Play Well and Have Fun!’, and make that a personal mantra – so go out there and make those healthy choices, with minor hiccups, did anyone say candy, and strive to be better than a ten!
Make sure you check out this weeks featured products today!
Flying Vee – white most popular
Exert Long Sleeve – navy most popular
Make sure to use the discount code: Taylor upon checkout for a 10% discount!