It’s been nearly three months since I launched Mind Body Burn on the Ladder Teams app and I couldn’t be more proud of my team. Day in and day out, they are knocking out their workouts, holding each other accountable, and truly pushing themselves to achieve their best self.
Unlike most apps out there, members aren’t just picking workouts out of an exercise library. Through Ladder, I provide my team a fully laid out workout plan each and every week so they don’t even have to think about how they’ll be working out that day—I do it all for you!
The community we’ve all created is absolutely INCREDIBLE. I’ve established such strong connections with my members and it’s been so rewarding watching their progress these past few months. So—I figured I’d introduce you to a couple of my members who have been with me since the beginning!
Meet Emily
As a mom of two, Emily is a total rockstar and does such a good job rallying the team, encouraging others, and sharing some top notch recipes. Here’s what she had to say on her experience:
“I joined Mind Body Burn to get stronger, gain mental clarity and help ease my anxiety which was at an all time high after having my second baby (and COVID didn’t help!) Prior to MBB, I hadn’t had a formal workout in over two years for a number of reasons (read: excuses – no time, no studios with childcare, no motivation, soooo tired.) Taylor’s program allows me to get in a great full body workout from home, with little to no equipment, and allows me the flexibility to workout on my own schedule while having the accountability of a coach and team. I look forward to the workouts each day, Sunday’s meditation and the team chat for support, encouragement and healthy recipes. With MBB I basically have a personal trainer, nutrition coach, therapist and friend who understands the craziness of motherhood, while trying to fit in health and wellness, and keeps me on track. Mind Body Burn is part of my everyday now. I’m up at 6am and get my workout in with Taylor before my kids wake and are needing me and demanding all of my attention. I take this time for me so I can be my best self. And getting my abs back is a plus ;)”
A a soon to be a mother of 2, I understand the needs of the mama’s in my tribe. We are in the same season. Trying to run our families, keep tiny humans alive and take a moment to ourselves to breathe. If the only opportunity to do so is at 6 AM, then I am here for it! I show up for my team!
Meet Dina
Dina is a rockstar and working mom who shows up for live workouts every Friday, no matter what. We are working on mindfulness and she loves to challenge herself in every workout!
“Mind Body Burn has been a game changer for me this summer! I was able to get personalized help from Taylor to make the workouts fit my situation, as well as nutrition advice! I’m so glad I found this platform and joined the community. The community aspect has been my favorite part – while I’m doing the workouts at home, I still have a group I can rely on.”
Dina is totally right. Working out at home, especially during a pandemic, isn’t easy. But having a team that you can rely on is EXACTLY what we all need right now.
Whether your gym is closed, you’re in a slump, you’ve lost motivation, or you’re tired of doing the same workouts on YouTube, I am
With my Mind Body Burn Program, you’ll get:
- A fully planned workout schedule delivered EVERY WEEK
- Direct access to me for personal coaching — fitness, nutrition, mindset, you name it!
- An entire team who will hold you accountable and push you every day
- Pre/postnatal modifications for all my mamas out there
- Monthly challenges to keep you motivated and on track with your goals
Join Mind Body Burn today and get your first week free. No credit card is required, so you have nothing to lose!
What’s stopping you?! Download now, come say hi, and let’s begin this journey TOGETHER!