Antoinette and I met at my first HEYMAMA event in Miami about a month ago! She was visiting her bestie and Hey Mama co-founder Katya and we hit it off right away! Antoinette’s energy and vivacious personality are both charming and magnetic. We bonded about our love of NYC. Our similar passion for helping people and the creation of her brand The AB Method. Here is what she had to say…
What is a life coach? How did you become one?
A life coach is such a big umbrella! I’m a partner, a cheerleader, a healer, a guide, and a friend (in a few words). I was called to do this, it’s 100% my purpose in this life. I went through a rigorous and very eventful 8-month intensive program in order to earn my certification! And I spent my entire life coaching, to be honest. I’ve been coaching my friends and family since I was a kid!
Who can/should work with a life coach?
I think everyone can use a life coach. I have one, and all my coach friends have coaches. Coaches help you stay on track to where you are on your life path, they help guide you to where you want to go, and will help hold you accountable to create change and transformation in your life. Coaching = optimizing your life!
You talk a lot about mindfulness and love. Can you give us some tips on how to practice both mindfulness and love in our everyday lives?
Yes, I do! Love and mindfulness are everything to me and are the foundation of my practice. Practicing mindfulness is exactly that – consciously being MINDFUL of your actions, thoughts, and emotions. Staying present and living in the now. Like everything, practicing mindfulness takes commitment and dedication. If you want to become a more mindful person, just make the choice. Decide that you are going to commit to being a more aware, active participant in your world and that you are going to do that with a lens of love. If you have a hard time holding yourself accountable…write it down and keep it with you, and/or hire a coach!
Love is the basis of everything. Think about it, how you came into this earth – as a completely innocent and pure being of light and love – And then, life happens and experiences, environments, and influences alter that (+human nature). One way to add more love to your life is to start with yourself. And I don’t just mean taking a bath with crystals at night (even though, that’s a HUGE help ;)), I mean connecting with your spirit and reminding yourself that you are so much more than you realize. You. Are. Light!
“Optimize Your Life” Can you elaborate on that?
Yes! I love saying this. This is exactly the work I do with my clients. I work with them to optimize their lives, from a life they already love or think is wonderful but they see and want more out of it. Or my clients are experiencing a lot of stress and want to release it and find their joy again. No one is broken in my eyes, but there is an opportunity for more fulfillment, joy, passion, and love. It’s unlimited, the possibilities in this life…and I can’t even stress that enough!
How often would you suggest we evaluate our lives? Careers?
Anytime you’re feeling the following emotions on a regular basis: anger, stress, worry, fear, anxiety. These emotions are signs that you’re fighting with life, not living in the flow of it. They’re also signs that you are experiencing blocks within your energy that need to be released and there are wounds to be healed. None of this is good or bad – everyone goes through these phases in life, have compassion with yourself on this process, always.
As an avid Yogi, how large of a role does movement play in establishing a positive mindset?
Movement, Taylor… you said it! As a yogi, I have fallen into a deep love affair with movement. A mind-body-soul connection is unbelievable, absolutely unlike anything else. Connecting and loving your body is so essential to cultivating more passion, energy, and enthusiasm in your life. Look at you, beauty! You’re always smiling! You’re active! It’s so important!!! I do say it all the time…a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and vice versa. Plus, I feel like a full-on goddess on my mat. It’s my space to flow, dance, and breathe!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
“Always have an empty cup. If your cup is full, you won’t have room for anything else.” In other words, keep your mind open, your heart open, and always be the student. I will never know more than you, and I will never just be a teacher to anyone. My clients, friends, and family teach me things every day.
How can we work with you?

Antoinette, thank you! Keep shining your bright light and stay tuned for more from this gorgeous goddess of love and light!