As an adult, I now realize that most quality items you buy come with a heavier price tag, but once in a while you can get deals and steals on highly coveted items! I train at our local Equinox in Aventura, which happens to be located directly above Nordstrom Department store. The same Nordstrom department store that owns my life. The #Nsale or Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is the biggest sale of the year! Nordstrom also happens to be the only retailer that I am a cardholder of. Why?! Because Nordstrom is a one-stop-shop for my life. I can shop may favorite athletic/athlesiure styles, while at the same time pop in for the best eyebrow wax at Anastasia, and pick up a new pair of Valentino shoes, all in the same trip. Nordstrom is the perfect store for the female professional. So hop on the #Nsale train now, before it’s too late.
So why is the Nordstrom sale such big deal? Well, instead of trolling through end of season items, you get to shop brand-new arrivals at super-sale prices! As they say ‘the card’s the key’. They offer two options, both the credit and debit card. I have the debit card [similar to the Target debit]. As a Nordstrom cardholder, you can start shopping at Nordstrom stores on July 14! That is 8 days before the sale is even open to the public! Want to see what will be available at the sale, and a resource to help plan your shopping strategy, then check out the catalogue here.
There are so many of your favorite brands included in the sale! From Theory and Vince Camuto to M.A.C. and Le Mer! I am going to try my best to snag some of my favorite fall items. New denim, chic and stacked over-the-knee boots and the most gorgeous mohair sweater from Joie. What are you lusting? Just a reminder the sale ends Aug 8, and everything will go back to full-price.
Happy shopping! Let me know what you pick up at the #Nsale!