Photo by Judy Walker Photography
I was 17 weeks yesterday and time is really flying! I woke up in the second trimester and literally felt like a new woman! My energy is back. I no longer need a bagel every morning and my workouts are getting more conscious and intense. Looking back at my first trimester, I have to laugh at certain things I did and experienced during the last few months. Pregnant or not I also offer a takeaway in today’s post for every “Aha!” moment I had. So read on for more!
I Ordered Domios (Sober…obviously.)
OK. I am going to fill you in on my deepest-darkest secrets. Every time I would go out with friends (pre-baby) and engage in a one too many tequila shots I would make sure to leave by 2:30 AM so that I could re-download the Domino’s app (Yes!I would delete it off my phone and then curse it as I had to input my CC number every. single. time.) and order a large cheese pie with Cinna Stix right to my door. Around week 10, I was eating pizza on the regular to settle my stomach. Mostly the fancy pants coal fire stuff, but one night I wanted Domino’s more than anything else in the Universe. Cory was out of town so I ordered a large pie and enjoyed every bite of half of the piping hot, cheesy deliciousness! I saved the other half in a secret stash in the freezer for moments where cravings took over my ability to be even remotely rational about my food choices. I never regretted it. In fact I enjoyed every bite and calmed the beast within.
The Takeaway: Never regret. Even for one second. Pregnant or not, giving into your cravings every once in a while will actually make you a healthier person. Building a healthy lifestyle should be realistic, and part of living your truest reality is indulgence and satiety. AKA feeling satisfied. Now, I am not saying give into your cravings every day, but every once in a while is OK. It is better than OK, it is totally worth it and will actually help you stay on track in the long run. Food is meant to be savored and enjoyed and while working towards your health and fitness goals one meal won’t send you spiraling out of control. So enjoy the foods you love in moderation!

Photo by Judy Walker Photography
Had a Body Frustration Meltdown
The first full trimester I have been absolutely in awe of what is happening inside my body. I remember looking at my tummy at 8 weeks and feeling like I had a bump ( I DIDN’T), but At 17 weeks, I am now in that awkward in between phase where nothing fits right except high waisted leggings and flowy shirts. I sort of have a bump, but I look more like I ate two more of those large Dominos pizzas. I am still loving it, but I was trying to get ready for a fancy dinner with friends on Friday and came to the realization that few of my “fancy dinner” clothes have transitioned with me. I finally found the perfect pair of stretchy dark denim in the back of my closet and paired them with a sexy black top and heels and instantly felt more like myself; however, that was not without a few curses and almost tears before leaving the house. I have always embraced my athletic body and although I am embracing this change, I know there will be more moments of frustration as things start to shift and grow, but I am trying to enjoy every phase and embrace the positives. AKA my new boobs. They’re awesome! I also went shopping today and now have a wardrobe for every occasion thanks to The Gap, Old Navy and TJ MAXX.
The Takeaway: Body positivity takes active work! We are bombarded with perfect images on our Instagram feeds, television and everywhere we turn. Take time to work on loving every part of yourself. Eat empowered by appreciating the fact that we as Americans have access to whole, nutrient dense foods like blueberries and avocados. Treat your body like the temple it is. If you have an athletic body like me…appreciate it. If you are blessed with Kardashian curves…love every inch of them. Talk to yourself the way you would like others to talk to you. Pregnant or not. We all have imperfections. Love them. They tell a story.
Moved a Bedroom Full of Furniture
In January I kept joking that I was already “nesting”. I donated a ton of clothing items and began to make room in our home for the little guy. I felt so much lighter and relaxed after clearing my space that I wanted to continue and move the guest furniture around so that I had a great space to work and enjoy every morning. I moved the bed, a large shelving unit and a desk from the master bedroom to the guest bedroom. All on plush carpet, which makes moving furniture nearly impossible. Terrible idea, because I tweaked my back and it has not been the same since. Pilates has helped tremendously and I am beginning work with a chiropractor who specializes in pregnancy this week. I look forward to working together to get my back and pelvis is tip top shape for delivery!
The Takeaway: Ask for help when you need it! Sometimes we need more patience and should wait for the help we need instead of trying to go at in alone. Sometimes we need to ask for help, but are afraid to. Be realistic about your limitations and lean on friends and family for support.
Broke Out Like a Teenager
OMG the acne! After we returned from China I thought my skin was just purging from the the three weeks of travel and then the cystic acne bumps did not stop for 17 weeks. We found out we were pregnant at 4 weeks and the last 13 weeks have been one big pimple followed by another. If you know about pregnancy skincare, you can’t use basically anything that helps keep dark skin free of marks like retinol and hydroquinone. So I tried everything but the kitchen sink and when my beloved Rodan and Fields Unblemish (which I swear by) simply stopped doing the trick, I begged my dermatologist for help. Thankfully, I got the green light from my OB to get an alpha hydroxy peel and then had my “aha” moment that my Fish Oil supplement could be the culprit. Yes! Pregnancy causes acne. The surge in hormones does some funky stuff, but the one thing I incorporated into my diet at the onset of my pregnancy is a fish oil supplement (Omega-3 and DHA). Low and behold, when I stopped the Fish Oil, my inflammation cleared up within days and I have not had another zit since. The day I stopped taking them I had three new cystic bumps pop up that morning and almost gave up in my search for a cure. There was seemingly no end in sight.
The Takeaway: It is like the old saying goes: “You are what you eat.” I turned to Face Mapping, the ancient Chinese practice that uses the placement of your acne for what your body is trying to tell you. The majority of my breakouts were on my chin and jawline (hormonal) and my left cheek (liver). After eliminating the Fish Oil Supplement I focused on cleansing foods. Consuming water with lemon first thing in the morning and getting in my daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Eating my omega’s in the form of wild caught salmon, flax/Chia seeds and avocado. My skin is already in much better shape so this takeaway is all about listening to your body! Your acne, acid reflux, lethargy and other symptoms are all signs that you need to hit the reset button. My advice is to keep a food journal and write down how you feel after every meal for about a week. This will help you eliminate certain foods and/or up your intake of other foods. You can reach out to a nutritionist, RD or Holistic Health Practitioner like me to help you along your journey!
***With all of that said…EPA and DHA from fish oil are extremely important for brain health! We need them and supplementing is a great way to do it. In my particular case, the oil I was using may have turned bad and caused cystic acne. I now found a brand from Shaklee that I keep refrigerated, my skin is clear as can be and I know my babies brain is getting all of those good Omega-3’s!
I Learned How to Kegel & Establish a Stronger Mind-Body Connection
Ok, so maybe I already knew how to do one, but I learned how to actually practice a Kegel to strengthen my pelvic floor. Did you know you can Kegel from back to back and side to side? Yup! You can. Give it a try. Guys…you too! I’m still working on it. LOL I am finalizing my Fit For Birth Pre-Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification in the next week and I have learned so much about breath and the importance of connecting it to your diaphragm, TVA and pelvic floor. Cory and I have chosen to do an in-hospital water birth and I know these practices will come in handy during the process.
The Takeaway: Establish a mind-body connection and a consciousness of what you put in your body. It can be as simple sitting still for five minutes and taking deep breaths or focusing on breathing out on the hardest part of an exercise. Establishing a mind-body connection is crucial to remaining present and and living consciously. The mind-body connection also relates to the foods we eat. The lightbulb finally went off for me in Oregon when I adjusted my mindset and began to view food as fuel instead of as something to simply satisfy. Think about how you feel when you eat certain foods. Do cheeseburgers make you feel sluggish or energized? Do strawberries make you feel good or bad? Live consciously and use your breath to relax or overcome pain. These two things establish a strong mind-body connection, an extremely powerful process.
We Heard the Heartbeat
Week eight we saw the heartbeat, but did not hear it! At our 10 week check up the doctor tried to find the heartbeat with a fetal doppler, but once again we were disappointed. I read up on message groups that many people have the same problem and I decided to buy this at-home doppler. During week 12 I was both nervous and excited as Cory and I placed the gel on my belly. Much to my surprise when I turned the machine on a galloping little heartbeat filled my ears. Clear as day! Our little guy was really in my tummy, just growing arms and legs and a brain! How crazy?!
The Takeaway: The best things in life are truly worth waiting for. Wait for the guy that looks at your pimply face and still thinks your the most beautiful woman in any room. Wait for the time when it feels right for YOU to create life. Not when society tells you you should. Wait for the right house, job, but also take the chance! Follow your gut and you won’t go wrong.
Life is changing for me in many ways. My career is shifting and with that comes certain nervousness and anxiety, but also excitement as a whole new world awaits! No matter where you are at in your life, just remember everything that happens is a season. Nothing lasts forever. The good or the bad. So embrace life as it comes and hopefully these takeaways are a good reminder to live consciously in the ebbs and flows of the everyday.
Comments 3
Hey Taylor. Fish Oil is anti-inflammatory…it makes me think that your fish oil is not pure because it should be doing the opposite effect. Glad you are getting those important nutrients through fish though! Omegas are super important for baby, as you obviously know! Just wish you wouldn’t recommend people stop taking fish oil supplements altogether because there are a few great brands out there among the gunk.
I completely agree! I actually found a new fish oil that works very well for my skin. My intention in this post was more about building a connection to the foods and supplements we consume and the effect they have on our bodies! Our brains and our babies brains require fish oil (DHA/EPA). My acne was simply connected to this particular brand that may have turned rancid. I will look into changing the language of this post because that way not my intention in any way! So…thank you!
Nice post and nice pictures captured i really like this post thanks for share.