Photo by Judy Walker Photography
Now that the second trimester is already under my belt and I am well into my third, I have to tell you, I feel like I am living in a completely new body. The jump from month five to seven has been the most dramatic in change and I am completely in awe of the tiny life throwing snap kicks and jabs within my womb. On the other hand, I am also feeling anxious, unprepared and over prepared all at the same time. During the second trimester, my life has literally done a complete one-eighty. My modeling career has slowed as I am very ‘in between’. I am finally getting more time in at home and preparing for labor and delivery, while Cory finishes his M.B.A and takes on a new position at work. We are basically living in the “perfect storm”, but I know on the day we give birth lives will be changed forever.
I shared my takeaways from the first trimester so I figured I would continue to the second, third and “fourth trimester”, AKA postpartum living and life as a new mom. Each stage comes with its own highs and lows. My hormones are on overdrive and I find that even as I write these blogs they act as therapy for whatever I am going through at the moment. So, I always appreciate your encouragement and kind words along this journey. Every message, like and comment truly has meant the world to me!

Photo by Judy Walker Photography
So without further ado, here are my take away from the second trimester
Daily check-ins are necessary: Pre-pregnancy I would be in a rhythm. I was a robot of sorts with a pretty steady temperament with a few high’s and low’s. During the second trimester, I feel like a completely different person every other hour. Some moments I am happy, others I am completely overwhelmed. The additional weight has made certain types of workouts more difficult and I am forced to constantly check in with myself and create tools to get me to my “happy place”.
If I am just having “one of those days”, Cory and I go for a long walk at sunset or I listen to an inspirational podcast, stretch or practice hypnobirthing relaxation to clear my mind and rid my body of any tension I am holding onto. Daily check in’s are so important for everyone. Today, movement is all about what makes me feel good! If I need a day off because my back aches, then I take it! These days it is about finding harmony and balance and letting go of the pressure.
Be careful what you wish for: When I was super busy with modeling I felt like I did not get a break for 3 years. I was living out of a suitcase and never had a set schedule. Well, everything pretty much changed after week 16. I began showing and all of a sudden I was home sweet home. Every. Single. Night. When things are slow, I wish for them to pick up and when things are crazy, I wish for them to slow down. I decided I need to stop wishing. I received great advice on a flight last week. The women next to me said we all need to “live in the stream.” Such a simple idea! Life is going to have its mountains and its valleys, so I am going to try to stop wishing for something else and enjoy my life exactly as it is right now.
Nature is a miracle: By the second trimester, women have a fully functioning human being living within them. They have basically everything they need to grow a baby to term. So I am taking this miracle into my labor and delivery with the same outlook I had during pregnancy: No one told my body what to do to create life. It just happened. Nature is the only one who can control my delivery as well. Instinctively we all know what to. I am going into delivery with the mindset that “what will be will be.” I have also tried to let go of the outside chatter because everyone who sees your baby bump will regale you with horror stories, their point of view on all things labor and delivery and suggestions for how you should deliver. I am taking it all in stride and trying to stay in my lane, remain calm and keep on moving.
Worship your body at every stage: I am looking back on pictures I did not post because they weren’t “perfect” and early pregnancy photos where I really thought I had a bump! I want to kick myself for not waking up every day, looking in the mirror and saying “damn girl…you’re looking good! “ Since I began working in the health and wellness space, I have taken the time to treat my body well and in turn, it has treated me well. I am trying to embrace this new body the best that I can! I have a had a couple of frustrating moments, but worked through them with a couple of trips to the mall!
Even the best husbands can empathize yet they can’t completely understand: My husband is one of the best and I am so grateful that he is going to be the father of our children. With that said, the sacrifice and change we adapt to at every stage is just something I do not think they can fully grasp. I love how baby boy kicks and rolls at his touch and I love how he smooches my tummy and talks to our son, but he has yet to experience any life-altering change. I am so grateful to feel all the feels, but I am also a little jealous of his ability to be so positive and care-free. The more I talk to girlfriends, the more I realize this is normal and part of the process of becoming a mother.
Learning How to slow does is difficult and completely necessary: I have moved at a 100 MPH pace since high school and slowing down really did not interest me, but these days I realize that it is completely necessary in order to move forward. I wrote this post a few weeks ago to encourage you to slow down when you feel the world around you is moving at such an intense pace that you can’t keep up.
So there you have it! All the lessons I have learned! I cannot even believe how much he has already taught me and he is not even here. I have two short months left and cannot wait to continue to share my journey and my thoughts! I hope you can all relate! Everyone have a safe and fabulous holiday weekend!