Why Everyone Should Roll For Recovery

Rolling For Recover-TaylorWalkerFIt.com

Happy 4/20 everyone! Cory said today we should all get ‘high on life’ and I completely agree. Do something that makes you happy whether it is watching your favorite TV show or sipping a great glass of wine. Just a little reminder to try to get some time in for yourself to help you out mind, body and soul.  Cory and I started ‘The Five Minute Journal’ a couple of weeks ago and it truly reminds us every morning just how lucky we are to be alive, married to each other and surrounded by those who love us. It literally takes five minutes to filter your train of thoughts to all the blessings you have been given no matter how big or small. It can be your spouse, your warm bed or ever the perfect caramel macciatto! Small victories and being thankful are what it is all about.

I am thankful for so many things…especially a job that changes every day and the ability to use my body to inspire others. After two shoots and some grueling workouts this week I need to give the bod a bit of a break. On my days off from working out I like to do anything from a brisk thirty minute walk to stretching to rollerblading. Sometimes I even like to sit my arse on the couch and watch a few episodes of Mad Men. I listen to my body and one constant in my recovery or post-travel, is stretching and rolling for myofascial release. Rolling can be done with a foam roller, tiger tail or tennis and lacrosse balls. You can also use a golf ball or other hard ball of your choosing. I do like to use a golf or tennis ball under my feet to release all the tension from the day; however, the aforementioned three are my top choices for maximum self-myofascial release.

Rolling For Recover-TaylorWalkerFIt.com

I wanted to talk about rolling for recovery today because Cory came home from a run last night and lately he has been cramping up pretty bad. It could be from dehydration or simply lack of muscle use. So at night like the awesome wife that I am, I have been using the tiger-tail on his legs so that he can sleep soundly without any cramping or discomfort. So as you work on your recovery process I want you to make sure you are drinking enough water, stretching (don’t skip your warm-up or cool-down) and try to incorporate a roller. Rolling is like giving yourself a massage. It will help increase blood flow and circulation as well as help diminish muscle imbalances that can lead to injury in the the long run.

Rolling For Recover-TaylorWalkerFIt.com

Most health clubs and fitness studios provide rollers these days. They may even be used during class to help realign the body. You can also purchase them online at a minimal cost to you. When you do begin to roll for recovery make sure you roll for at least 5-10 minutes at a minimum and target your entire body. You wouldn’t just roll out half of a piece of dough for a pie would you? Of course not, so make sure to focus more time on areas of your body that feel tight and sore, but make sure not to skip any major muscle groups.

So what is happening when you roll? In its simplest form you are massaging your  muscles, tendons and even arteries; squeezing water out and allowing it to soak back in, but most importantly you are working on fascia release. Fascia is a thin sheath of fibrous tissue that encloses a muscle or organ. Anyone who has ever had fascia issues knows how painful it can be…so releasing fascial tension in your body is key to feeling aligned and free of discomfort. While rolling you want to apply slow and gentle pressure to allow fascia to elongate and release tension.

Here are three videos on how to use a foam roller, tiger-tail and ball for self-myofascial release:


Details for this look will be posted tomorrow! I hope you begin to incorporate self-myofascial release into your regular routine. Also, if you want details and updates sent directly to your inbox feel free to subscribe to here. Everyone have a great week and remember to do something fabulous for yourself today!

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