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Happy New Year! We are a little over two weeks in and I am hoping your resolutions are still sticking. If you need an additional push, it is never too late! I have teamed up with my friends at Baptist Health South Florida to help you stay on track through these next few months when the cold weather seems to be forcing you off the health and wellness bandwagon. According to this article many people begin hopeful and about fifty percent of all people are unable to sustain their health and wellness goals for six months.

Photo by LucciaPhotos.com
“The single biggest mistake people make is setting unrealistic goals,” explains Joann Santiago-Charles, an exercise physiologist at Baptist Health’s Miami Cancer Institute. “Those are the people who sign up for the gym in January or February, and by March they are gone.” When I was first starting out, I literally started in my living room using the Nike Training Club app before I gained the confidence and strength to join a gym. Use technology to your advantage and join a team or use an app like “My Fitness Pal” to help keep you accountable. You have to start slow and ease your way in if you are just starting a fitness regimen.

Photo by LucciaPhotos.com
Use these fantastic tips from Baptist Health South Florida to help you stay on track in 2018!
Find something you enjoy: When I walked into my first Barre class it all made sense! I loved how I felt the entire class. It was challenging yet enjoyable and made me more committed than I have been in years. You know yourself and your personality so find a workout you enjoy and find a great instructor that is highly motivating and engaging! You will be amazed at how much higher your commitment level is.
Break up your activity sessions: While the suggested “dose” of activity is a minimum of 30 minutes a day, you don’t have to do it all in one shot. It’s great if you do, but if you need to — and if you are more likely to stick to your exercise plan long term — break your activity into two more manageable 15-minute sessions daily, or even three 10-minute sessions. Pick four exercises like: squats, bridge up’s, lateral lunges and squat jumps. perform 10 reps of each exercise for 15 minutes. Then in the afternoon go for a 15 minute walk or jog and you have your 30 minutes of activity!
Don’t compare yourself to others. Your neighbor may run marathons, while you can barely get around the block. It doesn’t matter. This is about you, not about how others may perceive or judge you. Don’t psych yourself out before you even begin. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have and the only person you should ever compare yourself to is who you were yesterday. I love the use of “tunnel vision” to reach your goals.
Challenge yourself. Once you start moving, you’ll be amazed at how quickly you make progress. Keep improving by gradually increasing your routine. To get the highest benefit from physical activity, push yourself to a new comfort level. Once that starts to feel easy or routine, kick it up a bit by adding more time or intensity.
Get a buddy — maybe. Some people enjoy having an exercise partner or even joining a group. But don’t let the participation of others affect your own. Keep going, even if your activity “buddy” doesn’t. Explains Ms. Santiago-Charles, “It’s important for people to take ownership of their activity goals and say, ‘I’m doing this for me.’ ” If you do not have anyone in your inner circle that would be a good fit, sign up for a group fitness class. You will all be there for a common goal and honestly, some of my strongest relationships were built upon a sweaty foundation!
Remember if you stumble one day. Get up. Dust yourself off and get back to it! Tomorrow is another day. For more amazing fitness tips to help keep you on track in 2018 make sure to check out the full article from Baptist Health South Florida.
Comments 3
Beautiful post just amazing and nice pictures captured health is the most important part of life nothing is more valuable than good health thanks for share.
I could not agree with you more! Hope you had a wonderful start to the new year!
Nice post very motivational good health only possible if we apply workouts on daily basis very inspirational post thanks for share.