Finding Time To Nourish Your Soul-JORD Watches

Taking The Time To Nourish Your Soul

Finding Time To Nourish Your Soul-JORD Watches

Finding Time To Nourish Your Soul-JORD Watches

Finding Time To Nourish Your Soul-JORD Watches

Finding Time To Nourish Your Soul-JORD Watches

I cannot believe my favorite holiday has already come and gone, but with the days getting shorter and shorter, one week flows into the next, and it seems I have barely been able to catch my breath. Cory and I both travel a ton for work, and it was wonderful to spend the last five days in the same time-zone. I know many people think we are crazy for the amount of time we spend apart, but there is definitely an upside to this time in our lives! Because we do not get to see each other in person everyday we are still like two high school kids in love, and honestly, when he is away our house stays clean, I don’t have to cook large elaborate meals, and I can watch Bravo or E! to my hearts content. We both know it will not last forever, and once we become ‘mommy and daddy’ instead of Cor and Tay, we will be able to establish a schedule as time away from home will be limited. So for now, we will enjoy these crazy days,  because there will come a time when we have a little person, and I most likely won’t even be able to pee in peace.

Today I wanted to talk about the importance of taking time for yourself thanks to my new beautiful JORD Watch, creators of unique wood watches, and according to them: “The value of a watch is not in being able to tell how much time has past, but in being aware of making that time count. Moments are bigger than minutes and your watch should tell more than time”.  As women, we often place others needs ahead of our own. We worry about our husband having his dry cleaning, or making sure all laundry is done, but we often forget to fuel our own tanks. For me, the week leading up to Thanksgiving had me feeling like I was running on E. I had shoot after shoot, and couldn’t find the time to go to the gym, cook for myself, and had a serious case of the Blah’s. I vowed to myself that I would take an hour a day to myself, to just relax and invest some time into me. So on the days leading up to Turkey day, I found myself more relaxed than I have been in a long time, my in-laws helped whip my house into shape with their awesome organizational skills, and finally the Christmas tree and all its trimmings are glowing with holiday cheer.

How To Nourish Your Soul?

Wake up 15-20 minutes earlier or go to bed 15-20 minutes later: Finding that small window of time to sip a cup of coffee or tea in peace will help you de-stress and feel happy. Today, I woke up two hours early for work so that I could take Cory to the airport, get a few extra minutes with him, and now I have the time to sip a latte in Starbucks while writing this blog. It was hard peeling myself out of our warm bed this morning, but I am doing something just for me before work, and a few extra curbside smooches from my bearded hubby didn’t hurt either.

Identify What Makes You Happy and Relaxed: We all have different things that make us tick. Identify yours and write them down. I just got an adult coloring book, and instead of scrolling Facebook before bed I color for a little while and instantly begin to feel more relaxed and ready to head off to dreamland.

Schedule Your Workouts: You do not need to leave the house to get an awesome workout. 20-30 minute at-home workouts can do wonders for your overall health and well being. There are plenty of online resources that require minimal to no equipment. Get your kids involved, the earlier they learn to enjoy fitness the healthier they will be in this digital age.

Start a Journal: This blog started essentially as a real-time journal. I have feelings and thoughts, and love to share them. It helps to get your emotions out…so when you are sad write about it, and when you are happy write about that too! It makes you realize life is a roller coaster ride, it has many MANY up’s and downs.

Stay Away From Social Media: By now, we have all come to terms with the fact that our Insta-lives are a glorified version of reality, but for some reason we cannot find the separation. Take a social break for a day or two, and you will be surprised by how much better you feel!

Forget Your Chores: This can be a very hard one! I feel so out of whack when my house is helter skelter, but if you can squeeze in a fun activity or extra cuddles with your loved ones. DO IT! You never get those moments back. 

If you love the Jord Watch featured above they are having a Cyber Monday 10% off sale. Use the word “CYBER” upon checkout. When I first stumbled upon JORD Watches I fell in love, but when I actually received my watch I was blown away. Not only does it match everything, and can be dressed up or down, but it is super lightweight and totally my style. All JORD Watches are hand-crafted, made in the USA from the finest quality wood from the northeast. This watch would make the perfect gift for that special someone in your life who “doesn’t just have somewhere to be…they have somewhere to go.”

I would love to hear all about how you find the time to nourish your soul in the comment section below! Logo

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