Women’s Health and Fitness Day & 7 Simple Tips to Improve Your Health and Fitness

Happy Women’s Health and Fitness Day! YES!! It is a thing and we are celebrating today!

Taylor Walker Fit Sweat Women's Fitness Week

I started TaylorWalkerFit.com out of the need to be held accountable in my health and wellness journey and it kickstarted five years of learning within this space. What started as a simple online diary has turned into something so much bigger and I have each and everyone of you to thank for coming back here week after week! TWF is a space that tries to take the scary out of health and fitness and hopefully encourages you shift your lifestyle. Even if it is one tiny shift at a time.

Becoming a mother made me realize so many things about women that I truly couldn’t understand before I went through such an extreme physical and emotional experience. Not only the extreme change in ones body, but the social-emotional and hormonal changes that can feel all encompassing at times. With age, fitness has become so much more than a means for weight loss it has become a place where I can let my mind be free and shake off daily stress. It became a place where I can put myself first, even if it is only for less than an hour a day.

Taylor Walker Fit Sweat Women's Fitness Day

With that said, it takes time, effort, energy and sometimes very early mornings to make it happen, but it can can also be convenient, enjoyable and dare I say…F-U-N. The key is to not overthink your health and fitness and to start making small lifestyle shifts like choosing water vs. soda and possibly starting your day with 2-3 sets, 15 reps of one full body  exercise like a burpee (shown below), squats, lunges or step up’s. You want to choose a move like a burpee so that it doubles as cardio and strength training all in one. Burpees get your heart -rate up and strengthens many muscles, but mostly arms and shoulders.

When I work with clients, many simply focus on the number on the scale. You guys, after I had CJ and moved to California, I widdled down to 122 pounds. I was weak and skinny, and definitely didn’t feel more comfortable in my skin. It took seven months of consistent exercise and healthy food choices to get where I am now,  up to 129 lbs., down a jeans size and stronger than I have ever been. You see, sometimes weight gain is simply muscle or water weight during PMS and other times it means unhealthy habits have caught up to you or hormonal impact of menopause taking its toll.

With that said, excess weight gained over time due to unhealthy little choices can put you are at risk for a plethora of chronic diseases currently plaguing our country including:

  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia (for example, high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high levels of triglycerides)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Want to make some changes?

Calculating your BMI or “Body Mass Index” could be a good place to start to help you identify your range. 18.5-24.5 being “normal”, 25-29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese.

You can calculate your BMI by: Weight (Kg)/ height (m2)

Getting a physical and understanding your BMI will serve as a starting point, since a healthy weight is not just about one measurement. If you fall under the overweight or obese BMI categories, your doctor will likely conduct more in-depth testing, which takes into account any other underlying health numbers, including those tied to blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. If your BMI falls within the normal or overweight range you can proceed as necessary, but I truly feel like knowledge is power! Talk to your doctor, work with a nutritionist and take matters into your own hands.

Taylor Walker Fit Sweat Women's Fitness WeekThis year, take a proactive approach to your health and wellness. Make simple changes like:

  • Get your body moving first thing in the morning by choosing one  full body move and performing 15 reps and 2-3 sets.
  • Pack a healthy lunch and snacks for your workday. This article, gives so many great tips for building a healthy lunchbox. It saves money and decreases workday indulgences.
  • Prep: Sunday is a good day to meal prep. I like to make a few things like energy balls, egg muffins and smoothie bags to have throughout the week for CJ and I.
  • Track your steps: Get a fitness tracker and aim for 10,000 steps per day.
  • Save home workouts on Instagram. There are tons of #fitspo accounts out there. I share workouts at #TaylorsToningTuesdy, but many of your fav trainers offer great workouts free of charge.
  • DO NOT SKIP MEALS! Guys, food is fuel. We need to keep our energy up and blood sugar stable. Choose meals and snacks that offer satiety and include protein, carbs and fat.
  • Sleep: I have recently started with 5 minutes of deep breathing and meditation to round out my day. Getting a solid 8 hours of sleep helps our bodies heal, aids in weight loss, improves concentration and productivity and reduces inflammation.

Happy Women’s Health and fitness day!

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